About us

CEO – Katarina Schaffler-Glößl

CTO – Michael Schaffler-Glößl

Javatraining is a brand of the company CIIT GmbH. The company CIIT was founded by us, Katarina and Michael Schaffler, in 2004 with its headquarters in Vienna. Three years later, in 2007, a branch was founded in Bratislava, followed by another branch in Munich in 2017.

You can find out major clients here or on our CIIT-Software Website.

Our offer is used by large international companies, mainly in the areas of information technology and financial services. The basis of our success is our know-how and that of our motivated employees. Our team currently consists of 30 employees, but we are constantly looking for new employees at all three locations to further expand our activities.

3 Locations

30 Employees



The focus of our work is our enthusiasm for technologies and the satisfaction of our customers and the trust that we achieve.

Mag. DI Löwenstein

DI Schaffler-Glößl

Ing. Stangl