- Java Programmer & Developer
- Java 21 Grundlagen
- Java 21 Fortgeschritten
- Java 21 new Features
- Java SE 8 New Features
- Java 9-17 New Features
- Vorbereitung zur Java Zertifizierung
- GraalVM – Einführung und Einsatz
- Performance Tuning von Java Applications
- Clean Code
- Test-driven development with Java
- Java & JUnit for Testers
- Rich Clients mit JavaFX entwickeln
- JavaScript
- AI in Development
- Spring Framework
- Java Enterprise
- Microservices & Cloud
- Java Web
- Web & Application Server
- Android & IOS
- Java Architecture & Design
- Software Test
- DevOps & Build Automation
- Agile Software-Entwicklung mit Scrum
- NoSQL und Streaming Systeme
- Andrere Themen
This course is aimed at testers who deal with Java code on a regular basis and want to improve their knowledge in this regard. In addition to Java, the test framework JUnit is also discussed with the aim that the participants can implement their own unit tests after attending the course.
- Introduction to Java
- Basic syntax
- variables
- arrays
- methods
- logical operators
- loops
- branches
- …
- classes and objects
- fields
- constructors
- methods
- static variables and methods
- modifiers
- encapsulation
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- class Object
- …
- Abstract classes and interfaces
- Generics and Collections
- Exception Handling
- I/O and streams
- Database access: optionally with JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) or JPA (Java Persistence API)
- threading and concurrency
- Implementation of basic design patterns
- singleton
- Factory
- Observer
- DAO (Data Access Object)
- Motivation for test automation
- Unit testing with JUnit
- Programmierung von Mockups mit Mockito