
Participants will be prepared for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 7 Application Developer certification.

Among other things, questions from the following subject areas are practiced:

  • Understand the Java EE architecture
  • Implement business logic using EJBs
  • Implement SOAP services using JAX-WS and JAXB APIs
  • Build Java web applications using JSPs
  • Build Java applications with WebSockets
  • Secure Java EE 7 applications
  • Use the Concurrency API in Java EE 7 applications
  • Manage persistence using JPA entities and BeanValidation
  • Use the Java Message Service API
  • Build Java web applications using servlets
  • Implement REST services using the JAX-RS API
  • Develop web applications with JSFs
  • Use CDI beans
  • Use the Batch API in Java EE 7 applications
  • Understand the Java EE architecture


  • Describe Java EE 7 standards, containers, APIs, and services
  • Distinguish between application component functionalities as they apply to different tiers and containers, including Java EE web containers, business logic implementation, and web services
  • Build, package, and deploy a Java EE application
  • Demonstrate your understanding of Enterprise JavaBeans and CDI Beans, their life cycle and storage areas
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between bean components, annotations, injections, and JNDI
  • Implement business logic using EJBs


  • Build session EJB components with synchronous and asynchronous business methods, manage lifecycle container callbacks and use interceptors
  • Demonstrate your understanding of controlling EJB transactions and distinguishing between container managed (CMT) and bean managed (BMT) transactions
  • Create EJB timers


  • Implement SOAP services using JAX-WS and JAXB APIs


  • Build SOAP web services and clients using the JAX-WS API
  • Define Java-to-XML schema mappings to marshal and unmarshal Java objects using the JAXB API
  • Build Java web applications using JSPs


  • Describe the JSP life cycle
  • Describe JSP syntax, use tag libraries and Expression Language (EL).
  • Handle errors using Servlets and Java Server Pages
  • Build Java applications with WebSockets


  • Understand and leverage the communication style and lifecycle of WebSockets
  • Build WebSocket server and client endpoint handlers using the JSR 356 API and JavaScript
  • Produce and consume, encode and decode WebSocket messages
  • Secure Java EE 7 applications


  • Describe Java EE declarative and programmatic security and configure authentication using application roles and security constraints and login modules
  • Describe the security standards of WebServices
  • Use the Concurrency API in Java EE 7 applications


  • Demonstrate your understanding of Java Concurrency Utilities and use managed executors
  • Manage persistence using JPA entities and BeanValidation


  • Create JPA Entity and Relationship Object Relational Mappings (ORM).
  • Use Entity Manager to perform database operations, transactions, and locking with JPA entities
  • Handle entity data with conversions, validations, and key generation
  • Build and run JPQL statements
  • Use the Java Message Service API


  • Describe the Java Message Service (JMS) messaging models and implement Java SE and Java EE message producers and consumers, including message-driven beans
  • Use transactions with the JMS API
  • Build Java web applications using servlets


  • Create Java servlets, describe how they map to URLs, and use HTTP methods
  • Handle HTTP headers, parameters, and cookies
  • Manage the servlet lifecycle with container callback methods and web filters
  • Implement REST services using the JAX-RS API


  • Understand and apply REST service conventions
  • Build REST services and clients using the JAX-RS API
  • Develop web applications with JSFs


  • Describe the JSF architecture, lifecycle and navigation
  • Understand JSF syntax and use JSF tag libraries
  • Handle localization and create news
  • Use Expression Language (EL) and interact with CDI beans
  • Use CDI beans


  • Create CDI bean qualifiers, producers, disposers, interceptors, events, and stereotypes
  • Use the Batch API in Java EE 7 applications


  • Describe batch jobs using JSL XML documents and JSR 352 API

Previous knowledge

  • Knowledge in Java EE

Target group

  • Java Enterprise Edition developer
For certification:
  • Java EE 7 Application Developer