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Using a sample application, you will immerse yourself in the world of Jakarta Persistence and gain experience in a practical way.
You will learn how to use object relation mapping, how to use an entity manager, build queries and use XML for configuration. Various providers of JPA implementations are presented, including Hibernate.
Our experienced trainers will program with you step by step using a sample application of your choice.
Our trainers always give you the opportunity to influence the content of the training and are happy to bring examples that would help you best for your specific situation in your company.
- Introduction to database access with JPA and object-relational mapping (O/RM or ORM)
- Getting started with JPA
- Enterprise applications: EJB, CDI and transaction management
- Using Queries
- query language
- Criteria API
- Advanced object-relational mapping
- Advanced Queries
- Validation, concurrency, caching and other advanced topics
- XML mapping files
- packaging and development
Previous knowledge
- Kenntisse Java Programmierung,
Grundlegende DB Kenntnisse
Target group
- Java Developers
- Datenbankdesigner