- Java Programmer & Developer
- Java 21 Grundlagen
- Java 21 Fortgeschritten
- Java 21 new Features
- Java SE 8 New Features
- Java 9-17 New Features
- Vorbereitung zur Java Zertifizierung
- GraalVM – Einführung und Einsatz
- Performance Tuning von Java Applications
- Clean Code
- Test-driven development with Java
- Java & JUnit for Testers
- Rich Clients mit JavaFX entwickeln
- JavaScript
- Spring Framework
- Java Enterprise
- Microservices & Cloud
- Java Web
- Web & Application Server
- Android & IOS
- Java Architecture & Design
- Software Test
- DevOps & Build Automation
- Agile Software-Entwicklung mit Scrum
- NoSQL und Streaming Systeme
- Andrere Sprachen
Die Java SE 21 Grundlagen Schulung führt Sie in die objektorientierte Programmierung mit Java ein. Durch praktische Übungen beginnen Sie mit dem Aufbau eines Basiswissen, welches durch immer komplexere Beispiele erweitert wird, und Sie schließlich perfekt für die Programmierung von realen Applikationen vorbereitet..
In addition to the training, you will receive an optional printed or pdf book that can be used as a reference work after the training and for further studies. The participant receives the source code of all exercise examples as well as the electronic training documents presented by the trainer. Like all of our training courses, the focus is on practical exercises.
In this Java training, important terms such as Java Virtual Machine (=JVM), compiler, interpreter or garbage collector are presented first. This opens up the first steps for programming using primitive data types and simple instructions. There is also an introduction to object-oriented programming. Topics such as objects, methods, constructors, error handling and inheritance of classes through to interfaces and encapsulation are dealt with using practical exercise examples.
- Java 17 Basics
- Jave and the bytecode
- JDK- and Java-Class-Libraries
- A first easy program
- java-Codewords and -terms
- Introduction to data types and operators
- java primitive types
- variables, their scope & lifespan
- operations - arithmetic, relational, logical
- Assigments & Casting
- Operator-ranking
- program control statements
- tthe if - else-instruction, nested if-instructions
- the switch-instruction
- the loops: loopvariables, for loops, while loops, break and continue, nested loops
- introduction in classes, objects and methods
- class basics
- How objects are created
- methods, parameter, returnvalues
- How garbage collection works
- keyword "this"
- More datatypes and operators
- arrays, strings, bitwise operators
- A closer look at methods and classes
- Controlling access to members of classes
- Method overloading
- Nested and inner classes
- Variable length arguments
- inheritance
- Access to members of a class when inherited
- Constructors, keyword "super
- Multilevel inheritance hierarchies
- Override Methods
- Using abstract classes
- Using the final keyword
- packages and interfaces
- Packages and fully qualified class names
- Packages and access to members of a class
- Implementing interfaces
- public, private, static and default methods of interfaces
- exeption handling
- The exception hierarchy
- Using try and catch
- Using try and catch
- Raising exceptions
- finally blocks
- try-with-resources
- Enums, autoboxing, static imports and annotations
- optional: generics, lambda expressions, multithreading, IO, GUI
Previous knowledge
- Beginners
- little experience with Java
Target group
- Administrators
- Java Developers
- DevOps-engineers