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Frequently Asked Questions
I can't find the training I want on your website. Do you also hold other training courses?
If you cannot find the training you are looking for on our website, please feel free to submit an individual request using following link .
Our trainers are open to customer-specific requests and will work with you to develop a suitable training course.
Please send us an inquiry with your ideas about the training location, group of participants and course content and we will send you a free, non-binding offer.
What options do I have to take part in the training courses?
All of our training courses are offered individually according to your needs.
As a classroom, in-house or even remote online training.
You will take part in our classic classroom style. The location can be individually adapted to your needs.
We bring the training to you and it takes place on your premises.
Remote Live
You take part virtually from home or work using the web conferencing tool.
How can I choose how I take part in the training?
The desired type of participation can be selected directly in the registration form on our website.
What can I do if none of the options offered are possible for me?
Each of our training courses can also be requested individually. You can find this option directly above the training dates offered or using following link.
Here you can submit a tailored request for the training you require.
How can I contact you if I have any questions?
We would be happy to answer your questions by email, contact us at: office@javatraining.at, or by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on +43 1 375 0204.
What is “in-house” training?
What are the advantages of in-house training compared to classroom training?
The teaching content is discussed in advance with the company management and tailored to the problem in the company.
The involvement of all employees guarantees the maximum gain in know-how for the company.
The basics learned can be applied directly on site in the work process.
The basics learned can be applied directly on site in the work process.
How can I book a training course as an in-house training course?
Each of our training courses can be requested individually. You can find this option directly above the training dates offered or using following link.
Here you can submit a tailored request for the training you require.
Welche Leistungen sind im Preis einer Classroom Schulung noch inkludiert?
Is there a minimum number of participants?
Generell werden unsere Schulungen ab 2 Teilnehmern durchgeführt.
Sollte die erforderliche Mindestteilnehmeranzahl nicht erreicht werden, informieren wir Sie 14 Tage vor Beginn der Schulung. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen sowohl eine kostenlose Umbuchung als auch Stornierung an.
Do you also have classes upon request?
Each of our training courses can also be requested individually. You can find this option directly above the training dates offered or using following link.
Here you can submit a tailored request for the training you require.
Can the training also be held here?
Of course, you can bring our highly qualified trainers into your home for training, workshops and consultations!
Using following link you can create a request for the services you require.
I have no experience with remote online training yet. How can I imagine learning there?
How can I choose how I take part in the training?
The desired type of participation can be selected directly in the registration form on our website.
What can I do if none of the options offered are possible for me?
Each of our training courses can also be requested individually. You can find this option directly above the training dates offered or using following link.
Here you can submit a tailored request for the training you require.
Hier finden Sie unsere AGBs.