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Apache Tomcat is the system most commonly used in industry to run Java web applications.
This 3-day course introduces administrators and Java developers to the current Tomcat version.
- Introduction to Java Web Technologies: Servlets and JSPs
- Introduction to Apache Tomcat
- Basic structure and architecture: server, service, connector, engine, host and context
- Installation and configuration
- Deployment of web applications in Tomcat
- Web-based management console and management of HTTP sessions
- Spring MVC framework integration
- Valves and servlet filters
- JNDI configuration in Tomcat
- Logging at Tomcat
- Monitoring by Tomcat
- Configuration of SSL and security realms
- Interaction of Apache Web Server and Tomcat (if required)
- Building a Tomcat cluster
- Outlook on Apache TomEE and Spring Boot
Previous knowledge
- Basic knowledge
in Java Web-Entwicklung
Target group
- Administrators
- Java Developers